Originally Posted by Bearfan
Thanks for the information. These products, how is it applied and how often?
I use 303 Fabric Protectant twice a year. While it is supposed to be sprayed on, I apply it with a cheap nylon bristle paint brush. (I'm the guy OldGuy was talking about.) The brush method allows me more control over application - no overspray, direct placement where I want it, easy application to seams, a second coat after it soaks in. I tried spraying the first time but found the brush method to be much easier to control.
Prior to applying the protectant I use 303 Fabric Cleaner to clean the top. Once it's dry I move to application of the protectant.
The only down side to using the brush method, if it is in fact a down side, is that I use more each application. When I'm done water beads like a fresh wax job. In a heavy rain it'll eventually soak in. After all, it is fabric. But the heavier application seems to work better than the spray method did.