Originally Posted by Juan@Fontana
all the mechanical components, the OE Shift boot / trim. from what I've seen and have been able to research a re-flash is recommended to the M/T ROM for both the ECM & BCM. Also the TCM should be removed, This is what we have had to do on the Z33's and V35's i don't think it'll be too much different for the Z34 except for the rev-match feature. I think you'll be stuck like a base model without it but otherwise i haven't seen any major electrical differences. so my only theory I'm waiting to confirm is if a simple re-flash will fix it or if there will be more wiring involved. 
Thanks! Hope you can report back after you've helped someone through a successful swap. I am certain the info would be invaluable in this community. This platform is still gaining better and less expensive turbo/SC options these days and I think the shortcomings and cost of making power with the 7AT is turning people off.... It could be cheaper just to switch to MT than build the AT!