I've had a motorcycle cop a few cars behind me at a stop light pull me over when I sped off the line quickly with a little butt wiggle. But he lit up his lights almost immediately, and I wasn't even up to the speed limit (60 mph). I had 2nd gear pretty much redlined, so I just shifted into 6th and stopped accelerating. He said he paced me at 78 mph
I asked him politely to check his video and explained my side of the story - I know the light timing and was just trying to make the next light green by getting up to speed quickly. He came back a bit irritated and just gave me a warning. I almost refused to sign (cause it said 78 in a 60), but I quickly realized it wasn't worth it. He also said he would have ticketed me for the launch if I hadn't kept my tires in my lane. He did comment that he was at least glad that for once he wasn't pulling someone over for being on their cell phone; I thanked him for actually enforcing that law.