Originally Posted by alcheng
your case, or your "convictions", is not speeding, stop-sign, careless driving or stuffs that can harm the public.
it's more like if you don't have the insurance paper with you or have the expired one but you actually have insurance.
just show up at the court, explain to the judge politely, show him you've make changes on the tint and the cover.
did you buy your car used? if so, did the person/dealer who sold you the car told you the tint is legal or you were told it is legal??
About the front plate.... see if you can pull off a good reason...
if you already have ticket(s) about the front plate before, not sure if they will use those records but those screws could get loosen, so you might have to buy new screws and you thought you don't feel safe to have the plate mounted with loosen screw thus it was off for that particular trip to Cdn tire....
something like that..... maybe it works.... good luck.... 
i bought the Z new.
i didnt quite understand what you meant by "not sure if they will use those records"?
i was going to change the tint anyway bc its really hard seeing at night with the 5%, but i can leave the rear hatch the way it is right? atleast thats what he said for 4 door cars.. but ill show them a pic of the window "clear, without any tint"
as for the front license plate, ill put it on and take off the rear clear cover, and ya i stopped by work then went to cdn tire, and was omw to another cdn or home depot to buy screw caps and he didnt care.
what i dont understand is why he didnt just give me 3 regular tickets of $114 each and why he gave me 3 tickets with no fines on it and tells me to fix all 3 issues and show up to court in 4 weeks and theyll toss everything away. and does anyone know what happens if i put the covers back on and i get stopped next time? or if i install my SHOW n GO which another cop 3 years ago told me to buy when he stopped me and didnt issue anything, will it be a huge fine or worse?
does anyone here drive without the front plates? i love my Z and how sweet it looks without it, but now im screwed.
thanks for the suggestion man, hope it helps