Originally Posted by madwi
I've used PIA for a few years and it has been good to me.
*Rant- People are going way over board with OMG ISP is going to sell my pr0n history! When in fact it is much tamer than that. Nothing more than google, facebook and every other website does to you every single day when you fill in a captcha code on a third party website or hit a like button on some random site. Ect. ISP just want in on the $ that is already flowing from your browsing habits.
Yes, except people can choose to not use Facebook or Google. And even using them allows you to Opt-out of being tracked. Most people here only have 1 or 2 choices for ISP's which track 100% of everything coming in and out of your house connection. Even if the data is stripped of user profiles, it is still more than enough to track specifically who was looking at Brazilian midget porn while cross shopping skittles on Amazon at 3 in the morning.
I'd be equally pissed if Facebook were tracking my entire browsing history after I left the website. I can live without social media or third party sites that try to collect my data. I can't live without an internet connection.