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Old 03-28-2017, 06:43 PM   #6 (permalink)
Ryan @ RJM
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Originally Posted by Joe@ZSpeed View Post
It should have a pretty light pedal, Maybe something is off with the RJM pedal adjustment? There are a lot of people on here with the same set-up and we have not had anyone say it is stiff or drives harder than stock, We have installed quite a few here as well and they are always better than stock in both engagement smoothness and with a just slightly firmer than stock pedal.

I would definitely take a look at the RJM pedal adjustment and set-up and make sure everything is correct with its settings, You can adjust it so it will smooth it out and also make the pedal lighter, or the opposite, make it more aggressive and heavier feeling.
Joe is exactly right, that setup should have a light pedal feel and I know multiple customers running that same combination with great results. However, something definitely sounds amiss with your setup right now as the default (As Shipped) setup of 75% AFP on your Rev3.1 Pedal system should have produced an already lighter then stock pedal feel. In fact the lighter pedal feel at 75% AFP is what most of my customers comment on first before test driving their cars when doing pedal installs for local owners.

Now with the Rev3.1 pedal units being shipped with the AFP preset to the default 75% recommended starting point and a new adjustment system with a sliding scale to show what AFP step you're on there should be no possible confusion as to how your pedal was setup when you got your car back. So I think we can rule out the AFP being setup backwards as some customers had issues with in the past when the AFP was adjusted by a dial and counting the number of turns either left or right.

Setup now with the AFP at 100% should be making your pedal extremely light and borderline mushy feeling if everything else in the system is good as even Stage 3 puck clutches become super light at 100% setting so something is off.
The only possible point I would have you check on the RJM pedal at this point is to ensure the two side tension bolts that lock the up/down movement of the center section and that also take up any side/side bearing play in the pedal arm. These have a very specific setup procedure in the install guide and if they're over tightened it can make the pedal quite stiff as it pinches the bearings together. Grab a 7/16" wrench, pump the pedal by hand a few times to get a feel for the pressure, then loosen both side tension nuts a 1/4 turn each and see if the pedal now feels lighter. These nuts are located diagonally on either side of the large bolt the pedal pivots on when looking at the upper right side of the pedal assembly. If the pedal does become lighter then you're done and they were too tight. If not then the pedal pressure being excessive is likely coming from one of the other new components installed.

Joe: Is there any points on the CMAK system that could be over tightened to cause stiffness or possibly something not installed correctly to your instructions that might cause this? I'm not familiar with the installation of these but it would be the next thing I'd think he needs to check if the above doesn't solve it.

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