Originally Posted by edconline
Sorry, don't know why I didn't see this before.
In answer to your questions: the last two times I was out at the track, I actually had the Juke out lol, I haven't had the Z out on a course since doing this traction control feature.
To adjust it, you switch to the map that has the feature enabled, ensure VDC is off, and use the cruise control up/down to set the slip percentage. The 'percentage' slip is displayed temporarily on the oil temp gauge (you have to use the needle position to determine the relative percentage).
For the life of me, I can't recall if needle full left is 100% slip and full right is zero slip or the other way around, however I remember liking between 40-60% slip for street driving.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for the input! I was told by my tuner that I need to purchase additional EcuTek Bluetooth hardware ($299) to be able to adjust slip % myself. Not sure how you get it adjustable through cruise control? Did you buy the same hard ware too to enable adjust it on cruise control?
Current I can only adjust which map to use through cruise control.
Btw how you feel about the differences on slip %? I am trying to find a sweet spot for track where it will not limit engine input when full throttle coming out of turn and also can help you to control it than factory traction control off. What are the percentages you feel and you would recommend it for track/skidpad/street? Thank you very much for the help!