Originally Posted by Karnak
the only thing I notice different is the tip on previous photos I have seen appear to have diffusion holes in them on the Inside kinda like a muffler, but those are straight through, not sure if they changed the design or if its because those are the prismatic etc and they don't come perforated in the internal wall like the others etc
in a ways, it may be better this way for my northern climate as it won't create areas where moisture can acummulate etc
And Tks again for the great Service, items were very nicely wrapped and when I picked em up, they were in a big box with lots of bubbleswrap, but I threw out the box to more easily carry in the car.
Originally Posted by Hilla_killa
Are resonated tips more likely to rust?
Both the Prismatic and our Polished tips are stainless steel, so this has nothing to due with rust or moisture build up.
We cannot install resonators within the Prismatic tips because the coating process would ruin the material inside of the resonator.
Our Polished tips will continue to include resonators while our Prismatic tips are non-resonated as described on our website.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
- Kevin