Bought a '14 370Z two months ago, but very disappointed in the non-Bose factory system. Easy to upgrade, did similar in my S2000, but have a couple questions for the audio experts here.
Have read multiple threads but have not found answers and some equipment that was suggested is NLA.
I plan to install:
Alpine CDE-W265BT HU...
Alpine SPR-60C Speakers...
Now for amp, I am just stuck on what amp to get and where to locate.
I dont plan to install a sub at this time so a 2 ch [or 3 ch] is fine.
I've read that there is 2" of height space under the passenger seat, that would be my first preference. I do not want it behind the seat as that is used for [wife's] bag storage. I also do not want it visable [in the back].
Love the car, now just need to get the sound where it needs to be.