Originally Posted by BHunts
So I checked again quickly and it seems it is the T trim that is 3.25" and the Si is 3". Your volute is the correct size, infortunately you won't be able to know what the impeller is until it is opened up. I sincerely hope the guy you bought it from didn't bend you over and enjoy himself too much or else I will gladly go on a road trip to Louisiana with ya bud 
Hopefully all is good Mardi Gras long over anyways.
Found out the rebuild guy is booking about two weeks ahead right now. So with four days in either side for shipping I'm going to be without it st least a month, and that's if no parts need to be ordered.
So I rigged it up to run NA in the meantime. Slid a filter on where the blower was and fit perfectly. Might run a touch rich but otherwise should be about right for my current tune anyways since I'm logging normal driving keeping my foot out of the boost. Not what I was looking forward to but gets me out of the garage and doesn't have to sit there for another month or better.