Do I Have Seat Creep?...
Don't laugh - no please, don't laugh.
Ever since I've had the car (a few months now) I've regularly had to press the button to move the seat backwards. I'm talking about twice a week. Now I know I'm slow, but this is starting to register in my excuse for a brain. Never experienced this before.
I've thought about - and discounted - various possibe causes, as follows:
1. No, my legs aren't getting longer - probably quite the opposite.
2. No I'm not getting fatter - not at that rate, anyway.
3. No, the car's not shrinking in the rain, not noticeably anyway.
4. No, the pedals aren't getting longer - I've checked.
So, what's going on? Has anyone ever heard of Seat Creep? Am I breaking new ground here? Is Seat Creep even possible? Do I need to start taking measurements to check if the seat IS creeping fowards at night, when everyone's in bed?

'03 Grey >>> '06 Black >>>'10 Silver >>> '16 Grey ^