This guy is spot on, you drove it hard enough to break a diff bushing, almost 400hp, if you're surprised that your tranny blew up its because you didn't do any research to make sure that your tranny can handle additional HP and your driving style.
Originally Posted by BuckeyeZ
I am surprised that no one has commented on the 'always drive in sport mode' comment. I am not sure why you purchased an automatic to drive around in 'manual' mode all the time. Maybe you just don't know how to drive a manual transmission and this was your best effort to replicate that feeling? I doubt that the transmission was meant to be driven that way regularly. Risk of overheating and constant hard shifts come to mind....especially based on comments about the aggressive nature of your driving. I would recommend that you use 'sport' when the situation calls for it and leave it in 'auto' the rest of the time.......that or buy a manual transmission.
Like others....I don't mean to sound critical....but it seems that driving an auto the way you have described is abusive of the transmission and unless you change your methods, you may be headed down the same path with your new ride.
Better luck with the new car!