It could just be you put *too* much thought into it. You said normally your decisions are more emotional based. Well, those decisions usually have emotional residue as well. However, your logical decision to get the Z doesn't satisfy any "desires".
For instance, I had a GF once. She was far from a 10 on the attractive scale, but she was smart, independent, and "good for me", but there was no "spark". Guess how long it lasted?
As others have stated, find something to create a little spark. Rebadge it, throw on some bolt-ons if you can, or add some interior "flare". A little personalization will definitely help create a bond between you and the car. Perhaps you can even go on a little road trip or something. :P

"Any man who can drive a 370z while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the Z the attention it deserves." Albert Einstein....modified.