Originally Posted by SINISTER
Age is irrelevant...I am not my age...I play video games every day -working on bloodborne right now, work out 6 days a week (still weight what I did in college) , work on cars daily, swear like a sailor, listen to alternative rock, look 35 act 25....but I am 50. I know guys who are 30 who look and act older than me ...you get old when you get serious and care about everything...fug age.
A personal mantra I've lived behind- "You're only young once. You have the rest of your life to be old."
it doesn't mean to be irresponsible with money and be a total dummy, but means to enjoy everyday, laugh at yourself, take care of yourself and most importantly, have fun. And lots of it. I dread the day I get "old". It hopefully won't happen until I'm 80.