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Old 02-20-2017, 03:42 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Post weekend update!
Spent Saturday afternoon and pretty much all of Sunday working on the car, starting to get through the items I have been stock piling at the office. Not many left now! Had a good time working on the car, even if it was a little frustrating on Sunday.

Start with the easy job - clean and install some K&N drop in filters. Bought them from a member before Christmas, in great condition. Hopefully get a little improvement whilst retaining the stock air boxes.

Next up I took a gamble on a DAB module from Nissan. Another Nismo owner local to me bought one and said it works well with the stock Nav system. It didn't look like 'too' big of a job, so I set about getting to work. Removing all the centre console and stereo components was pretty straight forward, along with the A pillar for the arial wires.

I took this opportunity to fit the hardwire kit for my cash cam also (looks so much better now without wires dangling infront of any passengers). It runs down the passenger side A Pillar, under the footwell and crosses to the driver side fuse box. I have piggy backed off the cigarette power fuse so the camera comes on with ignition

The initial install of the DAB unit went very smoothly and everything seems to be working great. So I set about putting the car back together, which may have been a little premature. As on the drive to work this morning I kept getting drops in signal, then after a while it just stopped all together. So I will need to revisit this at the weekend.

Early start as I wanted to install sound proofing to the boot floor and wheel arches. The road noise from the Nismo seems just as bad as my old 370 despite Nissan adding 'improvements' over the years. So I ordered up some 2mm alu sheets along with a load of 6mm sheets of closed cell foam. The boot panels all came out pretty easily and I made a pile in the living room.

It didn't take long for curiosity to get to the better of these 2! They had a great time

Then I had a quick brain wave....oh, whilst the boot is empty I can 'quickly' install the LED fog light I ordered ages ago. So I grabbed it from the man cave and set about removing the old fog light. No pictures of this as it's been done to death on the forums. I got the new unit fitted nice and easy, then ran the cables up to the rear light so I could tap into the wires. Feeding these cables took far too long and cut my hands to shreds, but we got there in the end. A quick test of the fog light showed no signs of life and after much faff I figured I'd blown a fuse. So took the fog light back out (and wiring) and checked wires, footwell fuses, even the IPDM in the engine! All good.....

So I had some lunch, when I came back the wires were working as expected!! No idea how or why, so I set about re-installing the running cables (again, hands...pain etc). I got it all wires up just as the light started to fade and things almost* worked as expected. That will do for today!

No lights on, just smoked rear fog

Side light

Fog light

Reverse light

My original plan and wiring diagrams (scrap of paper!) was to use the brighter red light for both brake and fog. Using 2 diodes it is a pretty easy circuit. However once I had it all wired up on the car the fog light would not work correctly. Brakes were fine and the fog would light up bright red on pedal press. But when turning on the fog light it the bright red would come on for a second, then turn off (even though the fog light was on, on the dash). So I whipped out the diodes and will run foglight only for now until I workout how to bring the brake lights back in.

All in all, a good weekend, just need to work out whats up the DAB module.

Cheers, Matt
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