Originally Posted by 2011 Nismo#91
You're not reading the discussion right, it's not that people don't go fast it's they don't post about or make threads about it. Because it encourages idiots to do stuff like this.
I think I under the thread and the rules perfectly...the video you posted is just plain stupid and careless. I didn't even finish it. LMAO, idiots don't need encouraging they don't give a rats a$$ about anyone but themselves. I'm pretty sure Tripps would have shut this bad boy down if people were talking about street racing or something stupid like that, but just stating that one has done 125 or 160 and nothing else is up to reader to decide if it is stupid or not for them as no specifics are given to the actual conditions of said run. I agree some are not comfortable about confessing their need for speed and others are just pansies that like the car but scared to dive it like they stole it and then condemn those that do. As I have said before be safe...and as Client Eastwood so famously said "A man has got know his limitations!"