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Old 02-14-2017, 03:18 PM   #64 (permalink)
Canada Sam
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: London
Posts: 7
Drives: 2013 370Z Manual
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Canada Sam is on a distinguished road

I am starting to realize that's why DH bought me the lovely and wonderful Z.
To keep my paws miles away from his Alfa.

It's OK...I think I will like the Z just fine.

I will say that riding shotgun in the Alfa is a blast. It's not quiet, kind, or comfy...and the radio is crap...and your bum is about an inch off the road,BUT the sound of those pops and snarls is quite nice and it slams your head back quite sharply when you accelerate but it hugs the corners so I'm not terrified. The Z is much higher is practically an SUV compared with Alfie.

Alfie sounds angry even when passing a Prius. Must be an Italian thing.

And the nice thing is that everyone gives it a high five, from grandmothers to little kids. It puts a smile on everyone's face...OK except the Prius driver.

Doesn't have a make up mirror which is a major bummer for the female driver. That's the only downside for me.

Oh and there is enough room in the luggage department for a severed head. That is apparently THE Alfa joke. Everyone mentions the severed head storage ability. :-) Another Italian thing I guess.

Last edited by Canada Sam; 02-14-2017 at 03:26 PM.
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