Hey, you stopped by my post, so I thought I'd check up on things for yours as well.
Let me start off by saying it's a nice car, and from the pictures looks well taken care off. I think it would help immensely if you took some more pics. Picks all the way around the car. Also it's extremely important to get pics of the inside, capturing as much as possible. I'd say one of the most important actions that could help. Would be to get a video, one recording the start up, and while driving it. It's able to give a lot of incite as to how the car is running.
There is also quite a bit of information not listed. If you just get good pics and videos, I think you will find it to sell quicker.
Also, you may want to check KBB or one of the other sites. It's a car that we buy brand new at 40k+. However, after about 2-2.50 years the value drops significantly. And we end up with oem cars only worth half that. Adding mods to it doesn't increase the value, instead it decreases it, through dealerships anyway.
But, I would greatly suggest the photos and a video, one while you are driving. Just my thought though.
Best of luck