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Old 01-13-2010, 04:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
Ryan@Forged Sponsor
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Originally Posted by M.Bonanni View Post
Sad truth is, East Coast events have a MUCH smaller turnout than west coast events and RTA usually loses money on them. In reality, the East coast is getting the same number of events they did last year and the year before. The west coast just had more added.
That is assuming they find 2 more events which has still not been determined. I understand the east coast events have a much smaller turnout. We made the trip to Cali last year to compete at Auto Club. However, the sport will never grow if you just pull out of the east side of the country. We and many others do not have the budget to travel to all of the west coast events.

It also makes it difficult on the east coast guys to have 1 event in NJ, 1 in Illinois, 1 in FL (assuming), and 1 somewhere else. Even to compete in the east events we usually have to travel 12+ hours to at least half of the venues. The guys up in NY,NJ, and even VA and MD are not likely to show up to a FL event. Likewise most FL,AL, and GA guys will not show up to NJMP. This is a large reason for the smaller turnout on the east coast events IMO.

The West coast guys have it much easier having the majority of the events in Cali. Sure Cali is a large state and I'm not by any means saying it's a short drive to make all of the events. However, having more events grouped together in a closer range allows the same cars to make more events. This will always result in a larger turnout.

Furthermore to be competitive in the points race we will have to make several trips from Atlanta, GA to either Cali or NV. This takes 95% of the East coast competitors out of contention, hardly fair.

Just my 2 cents.
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