ROM editor portion of the software getting a lot better. I added the XML parsing code in, added in a form that allows you to select your definition so you don't have to hard-code the file path, cleaned up the GUI (only a little lol, it's still awful), added temporary table saving so you can save the entire ROM at one time instead of having to save a new file every time you edit a table, cut down on some code to reduce the file size, added ROM overwriting capability. Currently only supports timing main and fuel target tables, but adding new support for other defined tables is about as simple as copying and pasting. Same code, different variable names.
You can download and test the editor here (must have at least .NET 4.0 installed):
Definition file example can be found here:
if you don't have your own ROM binary file for your car or you don't know how to disassemble it and find tables, you can download this ROM binary for a 350Z and use it with the deffileExample.xml in the previous link:
A few notes about the defintion file format:
fromromexpr=expression to convert ROM byte to base 10 format in the editor
toromexpr=expression to convert base 10 format to ROM byte
roundat=number of significant digits to display, set it to whatever you want
storagetype=enter "byte" for an unsigned 8 bit integer, enter "short" for an unsigned 16 bit integer
startaddress/endaddress=the start and end hex addresses for each table. Make sure you include the 0x prefix in the XML attribute or the application will crash.
I will upload the combined flashing/rom dumping application by the weekend. If you have the ability to test I'd love to get your feedback.