Originally Posted by antbear
"Let me know how that rear camera goes, I'm interested in that mod."
...........I'll post details and hopefully a few pictures. As a reminder .... install date is Wednesday, Jan. 13.
I know what you mean by Winter Trash......salt, sand, pieces of gravel and all that junk dropping off 18 wheelers when they hit a bump. Also it is really bad when all that stuff builds up along the concrete barriers and is whipped up by trucks and the high winds. It's Dangerous out there this time of year. Then we also have the I-35 Gravel Alley. First week of October I took a trip to Tyler, TX and got a couple of chips with just 400 miles on the car.  You just can't be too careful. So no Z days for me either during bad weather and until all the junk is worn off the roads.
I'd like to find someone around here that can do a clear bra. I need to look into it. Hope the camera install goes well.