Thread: Hovering
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:50 AM   #18 (permalink)
Tyrell Tyson
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Tyrell Tyson will become famous soon enoughTyrell Tyson will become famous soon enough

If you are crazy obsessive like me you can do the following things i have done with my Porsche Boxster

1. Get to know your mechanic (this takes time buy while this is happening)

2. Write down your exact miles/kms on your car soon as you drop it in

2.Wait at the dealer the entire time they are doing the service (which leads to)

3. Ask them to ride along for the test drive after finishing the service

4. If you can't be there due to work commitments etc and don't trust your mechanic you can always bring the car in for service with barely any fuel left and make a point of telling them "ops didnt have time to fill the car up" They will usually just take it around the block once and will minimise the crazy long joy rides i have seen happen so many times

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