Originally Posted by Smashley
What is a good/great wax & polish in one?
There is really no such animal. At least not a "great" one and here's why.
You want a wax or sealant to protect your paint as long as possible so that you don't have to keep reapplying it over and over again. The problem with an AIO product (all in one, as they are called in the industry), is that there's a give and take. They don't remove a lot of damage, only LIGHT damage. Some of them contain fillers which are used to mask damage instead of removing it. Most of these products work best with a rotary polisher, which is the
MOST DANGEROUS polisher you can use, and you DON'T EVEN want to pick up as a novice. Masking damage is like putting lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. Also, the protection that you get from an AIO product is never as good as a straight wax or sealant. So if I am going to remove damage from my paint, I am going to use a straight compound or polish and then I'm going to protect that shine that I have just created with a straight wax or sealant. In MY case, I use a sealant and then top it with a carnuba paste wax.
Now AIO products
DO HAVE THEIR PLACE in the detailing industry. If you get a customer who wants some MINOR damage removed and some wax applied to their car but only want to pay you with bananas, then a AIO product is great for getting the car in and out of the shop really quick. It won't be perfect but hopefully you can remove most of the damage and mask the rest. Once the customer washes the car enough times, the masked damage will return but hey, you get what you pay for. The best advice that I can give you is to buy a AIO that is actually manufactured by the company that you buy it from. To date, Meguiar's, Hi-Temp, Griot's ane Menzerna are 4 lines that I can think of off the top of my head. I prefer Hi-Temp's Midnight Express because they are a mom and pop business. I like to support small American businesses because I own a small business too (an I.T. company, not a detailing company). I want to keep as much of my money in the good ol' US of A as I can.
Hope that helps!