Tired of having headlight problems every 6 months, I'm trying to make the switch back to OEM ballasts but I did not do the original OEM to Aftermarket. Having some preswitch anxiety clearly

and need some help.
OEM: I have a ballast with pre-attached ignitor. (just one as I haven't committed fearful of the cost associated)
Aftermarket: Ballast with a relay harness i believe its called...has 2 separate plugs. One for the igniter and another with 2 plugs that run into pos/neg metal tips that connect further into a wiring harness id suppose. Sorry if that isn't clear, its too cold to take good photos with the tire off, waiting to get into my garage this weekend
If I make the switch back, is it possible the guy that made the original conversion hacked up the wiring harness that plugs into the bottom of the ballast? Does that whole setup require replacing and whats the likely cost?
Where could the original connection have been relocated to if the aftermarket kit doesn't plug directly into it...The image i attached shows the wire i cant find (not the ballast igniter one)
I hope this makes sense haha