Originally Posted by ChaseZ
Let me know how this works out. My filter is a bit of a tight tolerance pain I. The *** to get to with the Stillen thermostatic adapter on there. It doesn't help that I used a larger filter too though I suppose. Would be interested in something like this.
I don't have an answer to ideal placement however. In my case I'll have more room in that front passenger side so would likely work for me.
Based on that Moroso adapter you could probably put it anywhere along the path to the oil cooler? Just thinking out loud here.
No oil cooler for me... Gamma oil pan (which is why servicing the filter is kind of a pain). From some light googling, looks like there is no real harm in locating the filter higher in the compartment. I have plenty of space where the OEM air boxes used to go... So I am going to put it up there if I can figure out a bracket. Will order some parts tonight and take pics along the way this holiday when I do the mod.