It appears the Sounds in the recording makes it the sound worst due to an enclosed area making the sound frequently bounces of the walls amplifying that weired normal engine sound of the VQ engine.
Honestly our engine sounds like a washing machine when cold and when inside a garage. But if your out in the open and it warms up you dont hear it. the normal sound of the engine is like crap. You'll get used to it. Besides it new all the engine components are still tight and it will get better when you reach the break in miles.
Once you get to 5k or 7k switch your oil to an ester based nissan oil or redline.
Ps dont make this thread another oil thread discussion.
Use the search feature and read about oil discussion.
Then again for peace of mind bring it yo the dealer but I'm 100% sure they will say nothing is wrong with it because in the first place they dont know much about sh** on our engine.