Originally Posted by leingod
yea, this is just sickening. Dropped down to -9 overnight. Was 17 this morning with -3 windchill and was snowing hard enough that we couldn't see 3 feet ahead of us.
Naturally, it was the perfect time for a complete asstard in a jeep renegade to blow past us on the right and immediately slam on her breaks because the resident asstard couldn't understand safety distances between cars in conditions like these.
Originally Posted by madwi
the whole reason it took me so long to get home was because some fvcktard had to cause a crash on the s curve of expressway. I wanted to boot that asshat in the shins then pee on his wreck of a car. I was so mad 
i haz 4wd!!!!!!!!!
i can go stupid fast in snow!!!!!!!!
i crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Ghostvette; 12-15-2016 at 08:38 AM.