By the way. When the LFA was initially announced as a concept. It was supposed to be a $150,000 GTR killer. The GTR at the time was $78,000 for the base and $85,000 for the premium.
Just like the GT-86. People were originally promised a 2700lb turbo ranging between 250 & 300hp with a base price of $22,000.
Both the LFA and FRS once production was being finalized. They didn't live up to either promise. Instead if admitting they couldn't build what they promised. They started huge advertising promos kicking automotive philosophy and Toyota going back to its roots.
The reason why the Z community was hype about the FRS was because we were told we were going to have a true Z competitor. A car that had less power. We guesstimated 280hp but was 600lbs lighter, so we could actually have a track competitor. They failed at that too.
Then they made documentaries and adds to derail the initial competitive claims. Nice save Toyota . This Supra is supposed to redeem themselves by FINALLY giving the people what they've been expecting for a looong time. Toyota spent 15 years being what Nissan is turning into.
So before you criticize our opinions. Know a Lil bit of the pre-history.
Favorite Quote.
"I'm not gonna kill you... I'm just gonna Bash Your Face In" Jack Nicholson-"The Shining". 1980
Last edited by UNKNOWN_370; 12-01-2016 at 09:22 AM.