Originally Posted by DCNISMO
Good point, they are not Amazon Wonder Women. How could they help against Negan, and IF Negan was there before why did he let them keep any guns? Did they find a new cache? This whole show is losing its tightness of the storylines, they just seem to be throwing carp out there.
At this point I just want characters killed off. Give us a few root characters on the move and f*cking sh*t up. Tired of this "Find a safe haven!" Oh no this guy over here doesn't like it and wants to exploit it! Gotta fight a uphill battle! "We Won! But oh no! Our safe haven! Better find another one" *insert short walk around for two episodes "Oh look a safe haven! Oh Gosh, this guy doesn't like us..." Rinse.Repeat.FIN.
edit: hear to here cause Im retarded