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Old 01-10-2010, 05:44 AM   #12 (permalink)
dalparadise Sponsor
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Drives: 2010 Z Roadster T/S
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Originally Posted by Robert_K View Post
Guys... I don't think this is the best weekend for meeting up. With the extreme cold weather I don't think we'll enjoy hanging outside and talking cars. Those that want to brave the weather please attend but I will be staying at home. Sorry.
Extreme cold? It's going to be 48 and sunny.

I actually washed and waxed the Roadster in 42 degrees yesterday. The water in the bucket was a little cold, but no big deal. I did have to thaw out the garden hose in the sun to get water moving through it.

I'll admit I got a few weird looks when I took the top-down victory lap at 37 degrees at the end of the day. Maybe they were just looking at the car. I've driven convertibles for the past 15 years and my top-down limits typically are:

Sunny -- 40-99 (windows up for under 45 and heater on, AC on for over 88 but never windows-up over 45 degrees)
Partly sunny -- 45-102 (AC on for over 88)
Cloudy -- 60-90 (past cars with manual tops worked better with pop-up showers. I'll have to learn how this one, with a 20-second time to raise the top and required full stop affects this condition. Above 90 and cloudy is usually a sure sign of a storm and not worth the risk of getting caught out on the road in a downpour)
2010 Platinum Graphite Roadster - Tour/Sport/6MT/GReddy SE catback/B&M short shift
If the top is up, it must be parked.

Last edited by dalparadise; 01-10-2010 at 05:47 AM.
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