depends on how you want to drive the car. i live where the roads are terrible and even worse pulling into my place. i installed bags on mine because i love the lowered slammed look. all the cars i've owned i've installed air bags / cylinders on except for my bmw and tacoma. that being said, i rather get a great set of coilovers with air cups. when air cups get a little better quality wise. as far as what to get for an air bag system i currently have airlift ap v2. its a bi*ch to get it to sit at your preset settings. example; lets say you set it at 80psi for the front and 50psi for the rear and push that preset...if your car is at a higher (psi) it'll sit a little higher and vise versa if it was at a lower (psi). you always have to press whatever preset you want to ride at numerous times for it to get to that psi setting. very frustrating at times especially if your in a rush. SO, i'd suggest getting a height and or height/pressure based system. Hope this helps.