Good for you.

Most people who do the LTH's don't have your background. So the right side should take you about 40 minutes, and the left side about 3 hours then. The heat shield on the left side exhaust manifold is a PITA to get out. The steering shaft may give you a fit when reinstalling. The joint is key-splined, so it only goes on one way. The issue is there is a sensor ring on the rack input shaft. If that gets moved. You might have the slip light on the dash to come on.
I don't know about Motordyne LTH's.
My background. Used to be ASE Cert Master Tech too. Cert welder. Degrees in crimmeral justice, welding engineering, and mechanical engineering. Built, maintain, and ran a natural gas fired combine cycle power plant. Retired from there as a CRO.