Well, bad news from today. So I went into the shop this morning and right away was hit with a stonewall with the shop owner. I got quite the bit of round around with "I'm going to buy my sub from them?" and such. I told them I would if that was the stipulation of the custom sub (although they didn't have anything I really wanted). They told me to come back in the afternoon, so in the meantime, I went down to another shop who did carry the sub brand. Although they didn't do nearly as much fab work, especially fiberglass, he estimated around $600 for the work and $50 or so for parts. When I went back to the first shop, they tried to talk me out of doing this for varies reason and I won't go into that. So I never got a real estimate from them because they didn't think it would be worth it. They were afraid of it not sounding good but $1000 got tossed around in the conversion.
So with that said, I don't plan to pay anywhere near that kind of cash for the work. I'd prefer attempting to do it on my own, or waiting for someone else to release a stealth box. Feel free to comment, and if the couple of other guys who've made this custom box, please let us know your comments and how your sub sounds for input. Thanks.