Originally Posted by BobbyLight
This is true! I figured out why the light comes on.
My clutch pedal doesn't quite come all the way up sometimes and triggers the light, and when I nudge it up the light goes out. I think I need to bleed my clutch again. I just put in a new clutch/fly with CMAK and RJM master & pedal and had a frustrating time bleeding it so most likely there is still some air in there. At least I hope that is what it is. 
Make sure your side tension nuts aren't too tight. Step 30 on RJM installation guide. I slightly over tightened mine initially and my pedal didn't come up all the way. Just like you, I could nudge it up and the key light would go off.
I literally loosened each nut only about 1/2-3/4 turn each. Pedal return was fine and key light never went on again.