Originally Posted by simos3laf
Hi and thanks for the amazing info regarding the climate control
Just wondering will it work reverse as well ? I own a 2011 Z Roadster with Bose system no navigation i bought a used navigation set from a 2009 Z
as far as i saw everything fits except the climate control of course as you said its doesn't communicate directly as the old one but with Can BUS. So i am wondering would be possible to rewire the connector to the AC/ECU to make it happen ? or can i just forget about that dream and get rid of it? if anyone has any info about it would really appreciate it 
Thanks a Lot!
Just saw this. Sorry for the delay. I responded to someone else asking the same thing. Here is the post:
Originally Posted by VABAM
Going from non-nav to nav is not impossible but it is very impractical and going to cost a lot of money. The cars complete stereo wiring harness needs to be swapped out. I'm not talking about one or two connectors in the dash I mean the whole wiring harness that runs through out the whole car. This is due to the subsystems that need to be added like the GPS antenna, ECU inputs into the NAV system, and a few more. Also all eBay sales of the factory nav system that I have seen do not include the GPS antenna. The GPS antenna is not the antenna that is on the roof, it is actually in the dash above the HVAC fan/ glove box. Depending on which system are starting with you might need a new steering wheel too so you can have useable steering wheel controls.
