Well it could be loose drain plug, it is located on the pass side too.
As for A/C, you can let the freon out in to the atmosphere, and tape the connectors so that moisture does not get in, then install new radiator/condenser, rent a vacuum pump(make sure that you have the right connections) and vacuum the system, then grab a can of 410a and a set of manifolds, let in to the system about 45psi of 410a, then start the car and turn on A/C, while everything is connected grab a Freon chart for superheat that you will measure with a thermometer right be4 the pump to fill the system properly.....or just give it to a tech to do the job right the first time.
Kids don't do Drugs, Drugs are bad, so let the professional druggies do Drugs for you. 537whp/496lb/tq@8-9PSI 93 octane