So i was at my parents in law's house on saturday for most of the day, and when i came out in the afternoon i found someone hit my Z on the front fender and passenger door. Never heard anything while inside the house and no note was left from the a$$hat that did this
Needless to say im very frustrated and will be going to the shop i normally go to get an estimate of the damages. Although the shop has done a great job when working on my wifes car and the Z, im pretty bummed it will never look the same.
This is the 2nd time my Z has been hit and its so frustrating to think that im the most ocd person i know and sh!t like this keeps happening. On the other hand, i know its something that can be fixed, that im lucky that it wasnt much worse and that at least i get to say that i own a great car like the Z and dont have rely on walking or taking the bus to move around.
Thanks to all for reading if you made it this far and sorry for the rant.