Well, we had some ribs. The texture was spot on. The taste, not as much. It was still darn good but a little too salty and not sweet enough. Me thinks next time I do ribs I'll make my own dry rub. I usually just wing the rub with what I have but I think I will start logging the actual mix and amounts. I might create a secret recipe.

( I forgot to take a pic of the whole rib all together. Hey, can you blame me for cutting them up and eating them asap?)
I was busy messing around with the local kids giving candy and glow sticks and forgot about my Pastrami. It smoked for about 7.5 hrs @230f before IT hit 179f. I tented the two slabs with a good heavy splash of water before I put them back in the smoker. It took another 2.5 hrs before IT hit 207. I turned off the MES and put the 2 slabs in a small ice cooler to hang out. I'll put them in the fridge before I slice them up and stick em in a sammich.