For the 7AT guys with FI
Hey guys running around 500rwhp or thereabouts, did you guys upgrade the 7AT tranny?
I am planning on Stillen A2A SC, but worried about my tranny blowing up. Do the factory trannys reguarly fail with hard driving with FI?
I have read the entire 7AT and FI thread, some ppl say theirs fails some say it doesn't.
Basically do I need to beef up my stock trans if i am aiming for 400-500whp?
If so, do I need something like the whole level 10 7at transmission, or can I get away with just the level 10 valve body, or level 10 torque converter?
And should I also be grabbing the FI flexplate and oil pan spacer?
I am in Australia so I don't really want to ship over a complete level 10 trans from the states, going to cost an arm and a leg if it already isn't going to.