Originally Posted by Davey
I apologize for my tone. However, the posts regarding "It's not the driver, it's the car!" really irked me and my intent was to convey that your opinion on the matter was rather... Uninformed.
Of course it's the driver. Anyone with experience driving a higher-HP RWD car should recognize the mistakes the drivers are making (the first one, doing a burnout on a public street...) which lead to losing control of their car. There are plenty of videos of guys making those same mistakes in Corvettes, Dodge pickup trucks, etc. with similar results.
I don't know, maybe you were just kidding around, but you posted the same opinion several times, and the idea of blaming the car vs. the driver when innocent people have their property damaged and/or almost get killed just isn't something I feel is funny or acceptable in any way.
I apologize again for my tone. I don't apologize for disagreeing with your opinions, but I've said what I need to say on the matter, so let's get back to posting videos of morons who can't drive I suppose. 

You think that, just maybe, the reason that Mustangs are featured in so many videos like this is that
they sold so many of them? That they're cheap, powerful RWD cars that are usually the easiest, cheapest way for people to graduate out of the FWD shitbox category? Not that it's some kind of evil death-car that immediately destroys other vehicles and runs down pedestrians upon a twist of the key?
Sunkist, you don't get to act like you've been unjustly attacked. Damn near every one of your posts attacked the person you were responding to. You don't get to start the fight and then claim self defense.