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Old 10-25-2016, 06:47 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ghostvette View Post
Ebay for the $175 one. I just did a Google search for used 2004 RSX transmissions..

It is possible that a transmission from the same year Honda Civic might fit, and it might be cheaper. I'm sure the salvage yards in Cali are outrageous on prices, but Ebay seems to have a fairly large listing of RSX transmissions with free shipping in the $500 to $800 price range. My 'guess' is that with Cali shop rate being about $125 an hour, to R&R that trans with a used one, is going to be in the ball park of $2k to $2.5k. Good luck.
Pretty much exactly what I got quoted. $2,350 for min and max at $2750. This was a quote for rebuilding the trans. Thanks! If we don't find a good place, we probably will sell it on craigs for as is. Don't know how much we would get out of it though.
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