^ Yes will do, its pretty sraight forward but requires a hack of your air boxes for the MAF tubes, I considered getting some MAF tubes made up that were a few mm over but decided I wanted to keep stock MAF's in the equation so I did not have to re scale for fueling, hopefully, what ever target I set it will find in current config.
I got my exhuast on last night in the nasty wind chill :-( fingers were dead by 22:00, it was worth it though, pretty darn loud, great on WOT and breaks loose all over ha ha, fun times.
I will be doing the intakes tonight time permitting and will take some snaps, all in the intake should run under 200 $ .
Hopefully I will get my AP up and running, I have a Ptm ready with leaner fuel and modification to throttle tables, limits and off course an 8200 redline.

Boosted V8 hunter
2850 lbs and 375WHP