Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks
Looking good Mike!
How did that wing hold up in the second test?
The wing held up beautifully. I am pretty sure I could stand on it, but I am too scared to back that claim up lol. Either way, the wing showed no signs of even flexing a little at over 115mph.
Originally Posted by CrownR426
Hahaha, I saw ur z's result in modified or import...
That last race was very close and that 350z was like a hair away lol...
Don't worry cause I know you'll be kicking *** and taking names!
Oh that must be the Super Lap Battle results. I was NOT AT ALL happy with those results or the car that day. Should have been a 2:01 at least. Hell I was only one second slower when the car was stock with coilovers. The car was WAY off in the handling department, but I was driving the Berk Technology BMW 135i too that day so I didn't have much time to tune my own car. Oh well, one day I will take it back out at Buttonwillow and redeem myself.
Originally Posted by Mike
If you just need some small stuff powdercoated, i will do it for the cost of postage.
Nice! PM sent.
Originally Posted by travisjb
Graphics look good... clean, simple, purposeful
The wing will look even better in black - I may follow your lead on the wing and the color change
Thanks Travis. Its huge, but when it comes to function, quality of construction, attention to detail, ease of adjustability, and quality of materials this is by far the best wing I have ever seen.
Originally Posted by dlmartin81
Hey Mike, good luck with the racing career. Hope it works out for ya.
BTW, I like your ride hight now. I thought it was a bit slammed previously. You did raise it, right?
Thanks and good eye. I did raise the car almost an inch from before. In those photos it also has the 18s on it and those tires have a bit smaller overall diameter than my regular 19s that you usually see on there so that also makes it look a bit higher. Truthfully I will probably lower it again now that the car is taking a break from track action. Show car low

Originally Posted by aliveZ
third pic down is absolutely beautiful.
