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Old 10-07-2016, 12:40 PM   #16 (permalink)
HT Rambler
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Originally Posted by cv129 View Post
^ I knew you weren't directing your remarks toward me.

I think I speak for many members here: Although you are not new to your car and the forum, please do understand that as 370z ages, there are many new owners that are much younger and can have next to no clue about driving a sports car (or driving a car actually), let alone suspensions. Some remarks, although viewed as sarcastic and demeaning, come from frustrations that we get these seemingly simple questions, lacking vital info, with expectation of very simple answers, on topics that get repeatedly covered.

Real story: I've personally knew a car enthusiast, self installed all new aftermarket suspension components, but did not think to get an alignment, completely chewed up all 4 new tires in 2 weeks...yes 2 weeks...then went on FB and ranted his bad luck, defective part, etc etc. Yes, people like this exist, and are hard to distinguish.

Not defending anyone, just want you to understand the other side of the coin.

Anyway, when you get the chance, if you are still up for it, post the latest alignment readout. Preferably both before and after.
Point well taken, not going to beat a dead horse got way to many other things to do. But just for grins go back and read the replies pretty easy to see. while i understand others frustrations if they are not up for it move along if we all were experts and you have no desire or patience maybe a free forum is not the place for you. the have paid sights where you can charge for for EXPERTISE !!
now I'm done with that here is what i have:
Before measurements: left front (left front camber -1.5, left front caster 5.0 , left front toe 0.03) :: (right front camber-1.1, right front caster 4.2, right front toe -0.05.)
After measurements: (left front camber -1.5, left caster 5.0, left front toe 0.11):: (right front camber -1.1, right front caster 4.2, right front toe0.12)
There is a lot of other info let me know if it helps it's for the rear though.
couple more things (before) FRONT total toe -0.02, steer ahead 0.04 (after) total toe .23, steer ahead -0.01

Again thanks for your responses
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