Originally Posted by Firebase99
There are "Friday" cars for every brand. Some more than others, maybe Hyundai is one of them? From my, very limited experience with Hyundai, in close to 40K miles i have on her, the sunroof button has stuck a little. Knock on wood.
Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
One of my friends in NY has a Porsche 911. We've broken down twice out of a dozen times we been out. I'm just wondering if I should say Porsche's suck? Lol.
I thought I made it pretty clear that I am well aware that my dislike of Hyundai is unreasonable because it is based on a bad personal experience.
A Porsche could break down on me daily, and I would still hold it in higher regard than a perfectly running Hyundai. That's just me and my unreasonable affinity for Porsches and my unreasonable dislike of Hyundais. You don't have to agree with me, but you can't unread my opinion