Thanks everyone!
Originally Posted by old guy
I can't imagine having to share seat time w/ me wife.
Love the low profile red color you chose, nothing like a hot girl in a red Z 
Agreed - I loved watching her drive it but I'm also kind of glad that the first time she drove it, she pressed the pedal a little hard and peeled out of our neighborhood... that seems to have intimidated her even more than the color. Now it's totally mine.
Originally Posted by B&W_Evader
Time to think about upgrades! My wife acted like I was insane when I started changing stuff on mine.
Oh yeah, my first "upgrade" so far was getting a set of Blizzaks so I can drive this winter (I'll save that discussion for a different thread) and she was not a fan of the purchase. I told her it was either a set of tires or we'd be carpooling together every day, and that seemed to change her mind... Guess she doesn't enjoy being with me all that much!