Took the car out for a good hit today, just running 7psi to stay under the limit of the fuel pump lol. It's a whole new car -- response is better, boost comes in much better (to the point I gotta dial it back a bit).
So nice to have true closed loop boost by gear!
The knock control is great, I honestly have the threshold too tight right now since I'm experimenting and making sure it all works well.
I'm also using the lateral G's coming from the ABS/VDC to trim the traction control -- so as you pull lateral G's the system hunkers down, works great!
One of the challenges of the VVEL motors using a VE based system -- making sure fueling is correct as it can vary DRASTICALLY based on the VVEL target (even based on TPS vs VVEL at points). It's a fantastic system -- I love it. I've found I can set VVEL targets that make just enough power to just cruise down the high way, but even if you floor it (100% TPS) the car won't accelerate or barely creeps, LOL.
But back to the fueling -- you can literally spend hours upon hours to get it all "right", but I don't want anyone to spend that much fiddling with it, so I've already done most of the work in dialing in the VVEL comp tables.
But this still won't be 100% perfect, and me being really picky, I want it perfect -- so what do we do? I programmed the ECU to learn, either while you're on the dyno or just driving the car, then it applies the learned VE trims and you have spot on fueling. You can disable learning once you're happy with it and only let it apply (IE for long term in case your lambda sensors fault, you don't want the learned tables skewing anything).
Yes it retains the learned data between engine key cycles, it's flash backed
