Originally Posted by Jamesb1
I finally figured out that some Rebel gas stations (not all of them) in Las Vegas DO sell 100 octane race fuel. As of 10/01/14 the price is 7.99 a gallon  but it's worth it. The car runs really nice... I MEAN REALLY NICE!. I've been using straight 100 octane for about a month and I love it. 
An easy way to increase octane is to add E85 if available. Try a little test this way. When the tank is almost empty add about 2.5 gal of 91 octane E10 and 1.0 gal of E85. That would give a mix of about 30% ethanol. The octane would be raised a point or two. The fuel trims in the ecu should have enough room to compensate for the extra ethanol. If that doesn't work you can fill the tank with your normal fuel and be back to where you were. If it does help, this would be an inexpensive fix. E85 is $1.50/gal her in Texas.