Originally Posted by solteroblues
Here's a shot of the rear brace. It looks like it would wipe off, but it doesn't. I'm afraid to try any kind of aggressive cleaner to risk more damage, but surely there's something that will take it off... ![](https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8145/29686234286_64a4408b15_b.jpg)
solteroblues, I did some checking this weekend on this thread, a little bit further than what we discussed last week. My Nissan service rep here in DFW definitely said I was on target with it being humidity related and AC and rapid cabin temperature shifts. I just noticed your location - and yeah, you have high humidity capability.
He said that the CLR idea (diluted calcium lime rust remover) won't hurt the finish.
The other point I made about using a silicone based oil on the parts to prevent water etching was also seconded by him. He came up with a rather ingenious form of the oil too.....
He said find a RC Car shock oil and wet a rag with it and wipe it on like an armor-all treatment. Then keep an eye on that bar and plates when it rains and you use AC and temps are above 75-80. when wet - just wipe em off in the future.....
New Team Associated Silicone Shock Oil 15 Weight 5427 RC Car Shock Oil | eBay