Hi guys newbie here long time lurker, thought of an idea that may get you a lot more sales whilst providing some value to the Zed community.
Have you guys thought of opening a commercial bitcoin account, being in the US there are plenty of large reputable companies / exchanges that offer merchant accounts. It would make purchasing online so easy, you guys would have a QR code on screen next to the product, I just scan it with my phone -DONE - payment made.
Many household name companies offer btc as payment now
Sacramento Kings
Bing by Microsoft
Home Depot
Dish Network
Apples App Store
Lionsgate Films
Jc Penny
etc etc
by offering bitcoin, overseas customers save a lot on transaction fees and Intl wire fees, as there is "no cost to transact bitcoin over the net" you could charge a little bit more as we will be saving money anyway, its a win -win, you sell more at a higher price to customers who are willing to buy more because it costs less (hope that made sense)
I came back from Japan recently and the bitcoin adoption there is fantastic, Im sure some of the companies you deal with already have bitcoin wallets, as they're free and dead easy to setup.
I read an article about a successful jewish bloke who owns a company in my home city of Melbourne making extreme dune buggy baha racer suv type mods to cars and SUV's. He has a lot of the parts made by an Israeli company who manufactures Israeli military armored vehicles.
He was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in currency exchange and Intl wire transfer fees. He got the Israeli company to download a bitcoin wallet and it now costs him nothing, zilch.
I'm sure bulletproof and the370ztune.com (are these 2 affiliated? noob question carry on) purchase heaps of goods from Japan and beyond and could also save thousands per year bringing in more parts cheaper for the local Z scene in the states! win win
I hope i dont get bombarded with "silly idea already discussed" "The search tool is your friend" "Australian's.... behind and upside down pff"
what do you guys think
